Monday, November 22, 2010

Fun new Game with subs

Hello Boys,

Recently I have begun to play the "insert word/phrase game" with My subs online and on the phone. The way it works is, a sub will call Me or Pm Me when he is with his wife, gf, at work etc. I will then give him a phrase or a word, that he has to work into a sentence....
Here is an example of a recent game.. This sub is a highly paid lawyer in London. He was sitting at a board  meeting txt Me on his cell phone....

sub (11/10/2010 12:59:01 PM): i cant concentrate on anything except you. Will you give me a phrase to slip in to negotiations like you told me about?!
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 12:59:30 PM): purple pigion,....and I want to know how u did it
sub (11/10/2010 1:02:23 PM): lmao
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 1:13:30 PM): LOL come on did u say it yet
sub (11/10/2010 1:18:10 PM): guys, i mean if we go down that route we may as well be talking about purple pigeons for all the use it will do the clients
sub(11/10/2010 1:19:08 PM): i did it i did it. next phrase?!
sub (11/10/2010 1:21:16 PM): i thought i might try saying I M A SLAVE
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 1:20:57 PM): Dominatrix Kali
sub (11/10/2010 1:22:58 PM): what?? wow. that might be a challenge Ma am. here goes!
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 1:22:47 PM): lol do it! I have faith in you
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 1:32:57 PM): lol come on!
sub (11/10/2010 1:53:39 PM): this is a deal that dominatrix kali would be proud of.. or wonderwoman or superman or ha! ha! (silence. weird looks.)
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 1:58:04 PM): lmfao
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:01:33 PM): irradesent brocade
sub(11/10/2010 2:02:40 PM): i did it for my goddess. god people are sort of whispering and looking at me like i am v strange.
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:02:34 PM): LOL
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:02:56 PM): iridescent brocade is the next one
sub(11/10/2010 2:04:45 PM): omg. this is getting seriously hard. you are amazing! i love your mind working!
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:04:38 PM): its going to keep getting more I know how to win this game
sub(11/10/2010 2:06:29 PM): done already. what the fuck. they already think i am crzy. - said: the iridescent brocade at the end of the contract will be the break clause
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:06:29 PM): lol
sub (11/10/2010 2:09:02 PM): i hope my godess will agree i am pretty hot stuff at this game myself
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:10:08 PM): u on ur laptop or cell phone right now
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:13:05 PM): middle eastern sweat shop
sub(11/10/2010 2:14:15 PM): cell ma am
sub(11/10/2010 2:15:55 PM): lmao yes maam
sub(11/10/2010 2:21:04 PM): a middle eastern sweatshop would let workers break for dinner. how about it guys?
Goddess Kali (11/10/2010 2:20:48 PM): lol

So do YOU dare to play this game with Me? I have some new words ready to go! Send Me a message on yahoo to user name - amberkalina If you would like to play! Fines and prizes to be discussed.

<3 Goddess Kali

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